Colegio San Agustin Grade School Library List of Fiction Books SY 2009-2010 December 2009

[2 FIC K59li 2007]

Kirk, Daniel. (2007). Library mouse.

New York : Abrams Books for Young Readers.

[2 FIC L917th 1992]

Lowell, Susan. (1992). The three little javelinas.

New York : Scholastic.

[2 FIC P233co 1971]

Parish, Peggy. (1971). Come back, Amelia Bedelia.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC D131ge 1981]

Dahl, Roald. (1981). George’s marvelous medicine.

New York : Puffin Books.

[3 FIC D131tw 1980]

Dahl, Roald. (1980). The twits.

New York : Puffin Books.

[3 FIC F982gr 2006]

Funke, Cornelia. (2006).

Ghosthunters and the gruesome invincible lightning ghost!

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC F982mu 2007]

Funke, Cornelia. (2007).

Ghosthunters and the muddy monster of doom!

New York : Chicken House.

[3 FIC F982to 2007]

Funke, Cornelia. (2007).

Ghosthunters and the totally moldy baroness!

New York : Chicken House.

[3 FIC L921go 2005]

Lowry, Lois. (2005). Gooney Bird and the room mother.

New York : Yearling.

[3 FIC Sa217ro 2003]

Sandler, Michael. (2003). Robinson Crusoe.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857ch 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). Christmas catastrophe.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857cht 2006]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2006). The Christmas toy factory.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857cht 2005]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2005). A Christmas tale.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857co 2009]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2009). The coliseum con.

New York : Papercutz.

[3 FIC St857geg 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). Geronimo and the gold medal.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857ges 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). Geronimo Stilton, secret agent.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857gev 2009]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2009). Geronimo’s Valentine.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857me 2004]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2004). Merry Christmas, Geronimo.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857my 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). The mystery cheese thief.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857ra 2009]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2009). The race across America.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857si 2009]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2009). Singing sensation.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857vag 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). Valley of the giant skeletons.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC St857ve 2007]

Stilton, Geronimo. (2007). A very merry Christmas.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC T265wa 2007]

Teitelbaum, Michael. (2007). The lost scrolls : water.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC W314se 2000]

Wallner, Alexandra. (2000). Sergio and the hurricane.

New York : Scholastic.

[3 FIC W821be 2009]

West, Tracey. (2009). Ben 10 alien force :

the complete guide.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC B935po 1971]

Bulla, Clyde Robert. (1971). Pocahontas and the strangers.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC L796ha 2007]

Lobdell, Scott. (2007). A Hardy day’s night.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC St859attj 1996]

Stine, R.L. (1996). Attack of the Jack-O-Lanterns.

New York : Scholastic.

[ 4 FIC St859attm 1994]

Stine, R.L. (1994). Attack of the mutant.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC St859don 1997]

Stine, R.L. (1997). Don’t go to sleep!

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC St859gh 1994]

Stine, R.L. (1994). Ghost beach.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC St859mo 1992]

Stine, R.L. (1992). Monster blood.

New York : Scholastic.

[4 FIC St859st 1992]

Stine, R.L. (1992). Stay out of the basement.

New York : Scholastic.

[ 4 FIC St859wh 1994]

Stine, R.L. (1994). Why I’m afraid of bees.

New York : Scholastic.

[5 FIC Se479se 2003]

Sepulveda, Luis. (2003).

The story of a seagull and the cat who taught her to fly.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC D392pa 2004]

Denenberg, Barry. (2004). Pandora of Athens : 399 B.C.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC G822ca 2005]

Gregory, Kristiana. (2005). Catherine : the great journey.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC G822cl 1999]

Gregory, Kristiana. (1999).

Cleopatra VII : daughter of the Nile.

New York : Scholastic.

[ 6 FIC G822el 2002]

Gregory, Kristiana. (2002).

Eleanor : crown jewel of Aquitaine.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC H747so 2002]

Holman, Sheri. (2002).

Sondok : princess of the moon and stars.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC Is73to 2000]

Isaacs, Anne. (2000). Torn thread.

New York : Scholastic Signature.

[6 FIC L345el1 2002]

Lasky, Kathryn. (2002).

Elizabeth I : Red Rose of the House of Tudor.

New York : Scholastic.

[6 FIC M158nz 2000]

McKissack, Patricia. (2000).

Nzingha : warrior queen of Matamba.

New York : Scholastic.

[ 6 FIC M612an 2000]

Meyer, Carolyn. (2000).

Anastasia : the last Grand Duchess.

New York : Scholastic.

[7 FIC M612be 2001]

Meyer, Carolyn. (2001). Beware, Princess Elizabeth.

Orlando, FL : Harcourt.

[7 FIC M612do 2002]

Meyer, Carolyn. (2002). Doomed Queen Anne.

Orlando, FL : Harcourt.

[7 FIC M612pa 2004]

Meyer, Carolyn. (2004). Patience, Princess Catherine.

Orlando, FL : Harcourt.

[7 FIC P317an 2005]

Patterson, James. (2007).

Maximum ride : the angel excitement.

New York : Little, Brown.

[ 7 FIC Sc377lo 2002]

Schraff, Anne. (2002). Lost and found.

West Berlin, NJ : Townsend Press.

[7 FIC Sn672au 2000]

Snicket, Lemony. (2000). The Austere Academy.

New York : Scholastic.

[7 FIC Sn672ca 2002]

Snicket, Lemony. (2002). The carnivorous carnival.

New York : Scholastic.

[7 FIC Sn672en 2006]

Snicket, Lemony. (2006). The end.

New York : Scholastic.

[7 FIC Sn672pe 2005]

Snicket, Lemony. (2005). The penultimate peril.

New York : Scholastic.

[7 FIC Sn672wi 2000]

Snicket, Lemony. (2000). The wide window.

New York : Scholastic.


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