GS Library Specific Guidelines

For Students:

On Discipline

1. As center of study and research, SILENCE should at all times be observed in the library. Therefore eating, playing, sleeping and talking are strictly prohibited.

2. Strict disciplinary measure such as academic suspension, suspension of academic services or its equivalent shall be imposed to students found guilty of vandalism and misbehavior.

For Teachers/Staff

1. CSA ID is used for access to the library holdings and facilities.

2. Reservation of books is on first-come-first-served basis.

3. Magazines and other journals may be borrowed on weekends and should be returned the following Monday.

On Library Related Activities

1. Schedule use of library facilities at least two days before the activity.

2. Teachers are held responsible for the discipline of his/her students while in the library.

3. Teachers are likewise responsible for the return of all reading materials to their proper places after library activity.

4. For all other guidelines please refer to the GS LIBRARY GENERAL HOUSE RULES.


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